Patron Drive and Friends Membership Drive

Currently, the only governmental agency that supports is the city of Anytown, which graciously donates almost 20% of the annual operating budget. We rely on the community for all additional support through donations and fundraising activities which then keep our library open and operating, providing support and services to the citizens of this community. There are two groups of supporters of the library: Patrons and Friends. An individual can become a Patron of the library by making an annual contribution at one of five levels:
- Bronze-$50,
- Silver-$100,
- Gold-$250,
- Platinum- $500
- and Diamond-$1,000.
Membership fee in the Friends of the Library is nominal: Individual-$10, Family-$25 and Supporters-$50 & $100. The Friends are the library’s “labor force”. Along with their annual membership fee, this group hosts two main fundraisers for CAPL. Everyone in the County knows about their Book Review & Dessert Party in July and the Annual Garage Sale in October! The Friends membership forms as well as the Patron Drive brochures will be mailed out over the months of January and February. Anyone who does not receive a brochure in the mail and/or wants more information should pick up one at the library or call 555-555-1234. We appreciate your generous support and remind you that all contributions are tax deductible.